I Love West Coast Weekend
Clementi Bible Centre 152 West Coast Road, SingaporeJoin us to meet our neighbours during the "I Love West Coast" weekend.
Join us to meet our neighbours during the "I Love West Coast" weekend.
Do you know God's amazing work in the countries that Carmel is involved in? Would you like to know or be involved in it? Come down to the missions festival to find out more!
Plan for your personal preferences and choices of care, welfare, property and affairs matters.
Do you long to for your burdens to be lifted? Don’t know how? Come to Jesus! At this weekend, we will guide you through the […]
What does it take for us to become the men God intended us to be? Join Carmel Men for Christ for a time of learning and fellowship.
We welcome all who are new to Mount Carmel to come join us for a meal after service. We love to meet with you all.
If you’re in your 20s and 30s, Join Carmel Young Adults for a relaxing and fun-filled day at West Coast Park on September 29th!
Hope to get connected with a community but do not know how? Or simply want to find out more about Care Group life. Join us for a drink on Care Group Day @ Honeypot.
Come and learn what it means to discern the voice of God in Word, Spirit and Prayer.
Are you dating someone at the moment? Why not strengthen your relationship further?