English Service
Weekly services at Hope Sanctuary.

Join us
Saturdays @ 5:30 pm, Hope Sanctuary
Sundays @ 9:00 am and 11:15 am, Hope Sanctuary
Livestream on Sundays @ 9:00 am
Order of Service
Each weekend, we assemble to honour God for who he is and to receive much needed grace and refreshment for the week ahead.
Songs of Praise and Worship
Through music and songs, we declare the majestic holiness of God and his works of wonder. Our hearts are guided away from self-consciousness towards God-awareness.
Gloria Patri
Taken from the first two words in Latin – “Glory be to the Father”; these words affirm the eternality of all three Persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Confession of Sin
We do not presume our innocence nor are dependent on our own righteousness as we assemble in the Presence of God. We take time to ask God’s forgiveness for our wretchedness and brokenness evidenced by our attitudes, actions and words.
Responsive Reading
This interchange of reading is instructional for the life of the church. It assists us to be active participants in the reading and praying of Scriptures.
As grateful people who have received God’s grace and forgiveness, we bring gifts to the altar of God. The tithe and offering help the local church to proclaim the good news of Jesus and to bless people near and far.
Coined in the 17th century via medieval Latin from the Greek words doxa (“glory”) and logos (“word”), we express praise and thanksgiving to God who is the Source of all blessings.
Congregational Prayer
Into God’s sovereign hands, we commit the requests of people’s need from local to overseas, personal to communal.
Scripture Reading
We stand to hear the sermon’s Bible text to show reverence to God. As we call our bodies, souls and spirits to attention, we desire to be doers of his word.
God speaks from the pages of the bible to inspire us to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord. By his Spirit’s empowerment, we aim to to display God’s love, wisdom and reign in our daily living.
Ministry Time
We pause to hear the Spirit of God highlighting a timely word: an assurance, a promise, a guidance, an instruction, a warning or a particular sin to confess.
Holy Communion (fourth Sundays of the month)
Jesus gave us this special grace where the partaking of the consecrated elements cause us to remember him, to be nourished spiritually and to be knitted as members of his divine body.
A good word of blessing is declared to all in attendance that we are covered by God’s authority and reign.
Three-Fold Amen
An emphatic response to the benediction. A reference to the Trinity of God.
We encourage an intergenerational journey of faith that is both personal and communal via milestones of connectedness through workshops, camps, talks and other church life events.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a visitor participate in the holy communion?
Communion is open to all who are baptised in our Church or other Churches.
Is there a dress code?
Wear something comfortable. You may want to bring a cardigan or jacket along.
I am from another faith, can I still visit?
Yes! We welcome you to join us, ask questions, and explore the Christian faith.
What are the worship services like?
Our worship services consist of singing songs, prayer, scripture reading, sermon and giving.
Do you have programmes for children?
Carmel Kids sessions are available on Saturday 5:30pm (ages 7 to 12) and Sunday 9am (ages 3 to 12).
What kind of safety precautions are you taking during this COVID pandemic?
We follow the Singapore Government’s prevailing COVID advisory guidelines to ensure a safe place of worship for everyone.