Event Series Alpha Course

Alpha Course

Clementi Bible Centre 152 West Coast Road

Alpha is a friendly and fun way to explore the Christian faith. It is a practical introduction to the Christian faith and consists of a series of sessions. Invite your friend and loved ones to join us for the Alpha course starting February 9 on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am.

Event Series Easter Catechism Class

Easter Catechism Class

Clementi Bible Center, Room 03-08 152 West Coast Road

When you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, how do you continue to grow spiritually? Sealing your faith through baptism is an outward expression of your internal conviction that Jesus Christ is King. Grow in the Lord by anchoring yourself in Kingdom truths together with the local community of faith.

Event Series Freedom In Christ

Freedom In Christ

Clementi Bible Center, Hope Sanctuary, Level 2 152 West Coast Road, 120370

Want to learn Biblical truths and discover who you are in Christ? Journey with us to understand how to live our life free and fruitful in Christ.