Event Series YAM Sundays!

YAM Sundays!

West Coast Park , Singapore

If you’re in your 20s and 30s, Join Carmel Young Adults for a relaxing and fun-filled day at West Coast Park on September 29th!

Event Series Alpha


Clementi Bible Center, Room 03-07 152 West Coast Road, Singapore

The Alpha Course introduces Christianity to those who are curious or keen to learn more about the faith. Alpha is for everyone. It is a safe place for you to unreservedly ask any questions you may have!

Care Group Day

Clementi Bible Center, Faith Hall Level 1 152 West Coast Road, Singapore

Hope to get connected with a community but do not know how? Or simply want to find out more about Care Group life. Join us for a drink on Care Group Day @ Honeypot.

Event Series Bysid Course

Bysid Course

Clementi Bible Center, Hive, Room 02-13 152 West Coast Road, Singapore

Are you dating someone at the moment? Why not strengthen your relationship further?

CMfC Retreat

Le Grandeur Palm Resort Johor

How did Jesus model friendship? What can we learn from our Lord Jesus on the value, nurture and cost of friendship?

Ladies Walk & Talk

It is time to slow down! The Ladies Ministry is organising a contemplative walk open to all ladies in Carmel, taking place in West Coast Park on the morning of 9th November from 8.30 to 10.30 am.

Stir Each Other Up

Clementi Bible Center, Faith Hall Level 1 152 West Coast Road, Singapore

Ever wondered what is taking place at Community Services? Come and be encouraged by the stories of volunteers.

Oasis Celebrating Community

Oasis is organising a talk by Ps Liang Wei. Topic of talk is on Building the Christian Community.

Event Series Christmas Catechism Class

Christmas Catechism Class

Clementi Bible Centre 152 West Coast Road, Singapore

When you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, how do you continue to grow spiritually? Sealing your faith through baptism is an outward expression of your internal conviction that Jesus Christ is King. Grow in the Lord by anchoring yourself in Kingdom truths together with the local community of faith.

Infant Baptism Class

A class for parents will be conducted on Sunday, 15 December 2024, from 1.30-3.30pm.

Event Series Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Clementi Bible Center, Hope Sanctuary, Level 2 152 West Coast Road, 120370, Singapore

This year’s Christmas Eve Service is themed ‘Hope Has Come’. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring your friends and family to discover who Jesus is and why he he had to come to earth as a baby on that first Christmas.